We are pleased to support Broughshane Waterfowl Park.
The park, is one of only two places in the world where all seven species of swan can be found.

Volunteers from the Broughshane Village teamed together in 2010 and turned a derelict pond with a large area of swampland into a fantastic habitat for ornamental wildfowl.

(Pictured above are Mr Sam Henry and Mr John Robinson, on behalf of James Henry Funeral Services, who had the pleasure of visiting the park and meeting with Mr Trevor Dunlop, Chairperson, Eleanor Haywood, Treasurer and Mr Gary Haywood, Committee Member.)

Our funeral services and monument services are always delivered with a personal and detailed touch.  James Henry Funeral Services, Ballymena aims to honour your loved ones with care and personal attention.

As most local people will be aware, the name James Henry has been synonymous with Ballymena business and civic life for many, many years. Here we have included some newspaper cuttings from as far back as 1892 which gives us an insight into what James Henry was involved in around the turn of the 20th century including the purchase of the Farmers’ Hotel on Mill Street, some details of new ‘glass hearses and mourning carriages’ and also a couple of family death notices.


Things have moved on in so many ways but James Henry still strive to give you the benefits of dealing with a long established, local family business.

Price Lists
Please click here to download our standardised price list.
Please click here to download our crematorium price list.
Please click here to download our additional options price list.

Contact Us


Call anytime for our personal
and professional funeral services

James Henry Funeral Services
100 - 102 Broughshane Street
Co. Antrim
BT43 6EE

T: 028 2565 2456
E: info@jameshenryfunerals.co.uk

© James Henry Funeral Services

An MCC Site