Elliott Rosemary Veronica (nee Dillon) 6th November 2019 (suddenly) at her home 48B Broadway Avenue Ballymena. Mother of Stephen, Jacqueline and the late David and Jonathan a dear grandmother and great grandmother. Her remains will be removed from Henry’s Funeral Parlour 100 Broughshane Street, Ballymena on Friday 8th inst. at 9.40am to All Saints Church for funeral after 10am requiem Mass interment afterwards Crebilly family burying ground. Friends and family welcome to call at the home of her granddaughter Carla, 62 Lanntara, Ballymena. Sadly missed by her son, daughter, granddaughter Carla, grandson Anthony and family circle.
“Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul”
“Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul”